We buy our at Health Foods Unlimited, and they are a little pricey. But you only need a little, so they last a while. They usually have a base of either glycerin or alcohol, but even with the alcohol you are using so little there is no need to worry. These flavors allow my family to enjoy yummy things we don't usually have, such as:
Hazelnut Iced Coffee
Flavored Yogurt (orange and vanilla is my favorite)
Coconut Muffins
Butterscotch Muffins
Cherry Lemonade
Strawberry Lemonade
Strawberry Ice Tea
Orange Lemonade
You may be wondering, "Why don't you just drive over to McDonald's and buy a hazelnut coffee? Or pick up some flavored yogurt at the store?" Well, to answer that you have to know a strange fact about my family that is being seen more and more these days. We fall into the organic and natural eating sort of people. But honestly, I love it. I like knowing that what's going into my body is good for me, and that it came out of an animal or the ground instead of a laboratory. Now I'm not saying that we don't eat out or have candy or anything. (We actually did both of those this afternoon.) I'm just saying that most of the time we do try to eat naturally, and to use natural products too, because whatever we put on our skin, in our air, or on our counters gets into our bodies. Please understand that I don't mean to say, "This is how every one should eat," because I'm not. It's just how I eat. How you eat is your business, not mine. Here's a really great post about that:
I know this was a short, strange-ish post, but I was running a bit short on time this weekend, so please bear with me. :) We had a really great sermon at church today, and I'm hoping to post about that Wednesday.
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